
Why do Korean people use metal chopsticks?

When I first come Canada, I was so surprised to see Chinese people use long plastics chopstics in Chinese restaruants, to be precise Cantonese congee , dimsum, Thai and Pho restaurant.

TOP-Bottom: Japan, Korea, China

Many non-Korean friends asked me why Koreans only use metal chopsticks.It was interesting for me to see many people feel Korean chopsticks slippery.

In fact, Koreans used metal chopsticks quite a long time. The following pictures are chopsticks found from the tomb of King Muryeong of the Packche dynasty (18 BC-660 AD).

The chopsticks are made of bronze.
Even in oldern days, Koreans used metal spoons as well. See this link.
In oldern days, upper classses and especially Kings and aristocrats used silver utensil to check any poison in food. You can see the scenes in Jewel in the Palace.
And in oldern days, those with wealth might want to their lifestyles.

Korean traditional meal, a soup is usually is accompanied with rice.
Even today many Korean people want to mix rice the soup sometimes. I bet people did so back in old days. In order to eat the rice from the soup, you need a metal spoon.
And it's re-useable for many times. Good for hygiene. Maybe that's why??

Btw, you can cut meat and kimchi into pieces with metal chopsticks but this is not a good table manner.

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