
How do you say "Let's have a drink! (술 한잔 합시다)"

Let's have a drink! (For Guys)
술 한잔 합시다.
Sool Hahnjahn hahpsidah

Let's have a drink! (For Girls)
술 한잔 해요.
Sool Hahnjahn haeyo.

Let's have a drink! (informal)
술 먹으러 가자.
Sool muguroh gaazaa 
(let's go out and have a drink)
muguroh = go out

술, Sool = alcohol
합시다 hahpsidah = let's
한잔, Hahnjahn = one glass

Literally, it means Let's have a glass of alcohol!

How to order soju in Koran?
Soju, hahnah Jusaeyo!
소주 하나 주세요

Soju is very strong. It has 18~20% alcohol depending on brand. 
My favourite is Chaam e sool on the picture above. 

In Korea, you mix Beer and soju (80%+20%) and make 소맥 (somaek) cocktail.
There is even a cup for Somaek. You can get drunk even faster with somaek but watch out 
your alcohol tolerance.

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