
How to win (your Korean girlfriend or boyfriend's) Korean parents

Are you meeting your future parents-in-law-to-be?
Even for Korean men, meeting future parents in law is a difficult occasion.

Just follow the steps below you will win their hearts.
Knowing few Korean phrases will be enough for foreigners to win their heart.

1. Say Greetings in Korean. Introduce yourself.

Hello! 안녕하세요

It's my first time to meet you.
처음 뵙겠습니다
Chum betgetsumnidah

My name is Andrew.
Jae irumeun (Andrew) imnidah 

2. Dining 

You're likely get invited to dinner or lunch.
In Korea, elder people eat first so you gotta say..

you gotta say the PARENTS, please eat first

Please eat
어서 드세요
Uhsuh dusaeyo

AND do not touch the utensil (fork,spoon, chopsticks) before the parents touch theirs.

So It's the time you gotta complement their food

It's so so delicious
너무너무 맛있어요
Nuhmoo nuhmoo maasissuhyo 

There are some Korean fathers who like to drink.
This type of fathers can test your masculinity by how much you can tolerate alcohol.
Drink and have a fun time with them.  But never GET drunk and do crazy things.
If the father knows you can drink manly, then you've won his heart.

If you cannot tolerate alcohol very much, well... do your best. you can do it!
At least show some efforts.

3. Cleaning & Helping out

Ask your future mom-in-future if there is anything you can help out.
Most of the time, the mother will refuse because you are the guest.

muo dowadril guh upsuhyo?
뭐 도와드릴 거 없어요?
Is there anything I can help you? (literally)

4. say Goodbye

Yes the test is over.

Onul chodae hae ju shuo suh Gaamsah haamnidah.
오늘 초대 해 주셔서 감사합니다.
Thank you for inviting me today. 

Ahn nyong hi gyae sae yo.

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