
Korean Tutorial #1 안녕하세요! (에요, 이에요)

#1 자기 소개 (Self-introduction)

Learn basic greetings (안녕하세요), 에요/이에요 - is ~

비: 안녕하세요?
혜교: 안녕하세요?
비: 이름이 뭐에요?
혜교: 송혜교에요. 이름이 뭐에요?
비: 제 이름은 비에요. 혜교씨는 학생이에요?
혜교: 아니요. 탤런트에요. 비씨는 탤런트에요?
비: 네, 탤런트에요. 그리고 가수에요. 혜교씨는 한국인이에요?
혜교: 네, 한국인이에요. 비씨는 일본이에요?
비: 아뇨. 한국인이에요.

Rain : Hello
Hyegyo: Hello
Rain: What's your name?
Hyegyo: My name is Song Hyegyo. What is your name?
Rain: My name is Bi(Rain). Hyegyo, are you a student?
Hyegyo: No, I am not. I am an actress. Rain, are you an actor?
Rain: yeah, I am an actor. And also a singer.

안녕하세요 Hello
이름 Name
이 object marker
에요 is (noun), to be exist
뭐에요? What is it?
제 My
~은, ~는 Subject marker
~씨 Mr. Miss, Mrs
학생 Student
탤런트 Actor
가수 Singer
네 Yes
아니요(아뇨) No

1. ~씨 (氏) In Korea, people add 씨 after someone's name to be polite. However you don't use it between friends or family like in English.

2. Object and Subject marker
Same as in Japanese language, Korean language has many markers to indicate the function of a word. In this conversation we have three markers, 이 은, and 는.

1) 제 이름, 헤교씨은 and 는 are subject markers

은 is used when the letter before 은 has three or more letter parts= ㅇ + ㅡ + ㄴ= 3 parts
씨 is used when the letter before 는 has two parts. ㅆ + ㅣ = 2 letter parts.

2)이름이 뭐에요? 이 is an object marker often used in question.

* Similary, 이 also has an alternativ version, 가 when there are two letter parts.
ex. 혜교가 학생이에요. It is Hyegyo, a student.

3) Korean English words, Konglish

You might find it weird when you see the word 탤런트 used for an actor or actress.
Some misused English words are commonly evident in Korean language.
Korean people call these misused English words or expressions Konglish, like Spanglish.
Here are some examples of Konglish.

탤런트 actress, actor
화이팅, 파이팅 Cheer up!
슈퍼 Supermarket, grocery store
개그맨 comedien
가스렌지 (gas range) microwave
껌 gum
노트 notebook
팬티 (pantie) briefs, underwear

Thanks to Japanese people when they colonized Korea from 1910 to 1945, some Japanglish words were introduced and remained in Korean language, as well as Japanese words. Although Japanese government were withdrawn after defeated by US in 1945, many Korean scholars and journalists educated in Japan have continuously adopted Japanglish words. Most of Korea adopted Japanglish words are in fact English words simplified by Japanese people for their convenience. Some of are 화이팅, 서비스 and 아나운서(announcer, tv anchor).

How weird! Most of Korean people loathe Japanese peopl and culture, I'd say the Japanese govenrment most!
(but some Korean people love J-pops, anime, Japanese entertainers, and their electronics).

My grandparents who recieved education while Japanese colonization period, were taught in Japanese. They offten use Japanese words such as namanegi (onions) and gisu(scratch). They don't need translators when they go on a trip to Japan.

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